What the Pak! Recent Posts

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have to start eating more to lose weight!

Sounds crazy huh. What The Pak is actually planning to eat more meals to lose weight! Contrary to barbaric beliefs that dieting and torturing your stomach (and mental health!) is the way to go, I'm going to start eating more once I'm officially no longer in employment with the dumb company.

My dream holiday destination. Disappear 6 months, then reappear looking like Miss Universe!

Since I don't have such luck as Thai Boxing Girl with Marie France Bodyline (oh you lucky girl!), I just have to make do with my slimming theories. Insufficient fund to invest in professional help calls for cheap measures to lose weight lor. Hai.........

So why do I say that I have to start eating more meals to lose weight? I've noticed that I don't eat breakfast a lot. And during lunch time, I would pig out like a wild boar. And on those days when I do eat my breakfast, I tend to shy away from heavy lunch because I would still be feeling full.

What are you looking at huh? Never see before pretty girl ar?

Moreover, I have often heard people saying that breakfast is good for health. Gives me energy to start the day woh. Makes sense. And the fact that I eat less for lunch could perhaps help me to lose some fats. And mum would always ask me to eat my dinner earlier. Why? So that I don't drop dead sleeping like a wild boar as soon as I'm done with my late dinner.

Don't play play. I've got tattoos all over my body!

Eat + sleep = wild boar. I get it. So from now on, I have to train my stomach to accept breakfast! How about some nasi lemak & roti canai to start the day huh?


Anonymous said...

You must eat, but you must also use more energy than what you put in.

No point pigging out and sit in the house the whole day.

If you don't eat, body thinks you're in hunger so it will always conserve the fats and prevent it from being used, even when you work out, so you must eat to trick it into thinking you're not in hunger so it would use those fats when you work out.

But if you eat more than the energy you use, you will grow even fatter than your current state.

Trust me, I've got experience losing nearly 10kg in a month, so cardios are my expertise.

What The Pak said...

Wah...10 kilos in a month! That's a nice one huh. Okay okay, I get what you mean. Which is why I'm starting my morning exercise and light breakkie routine. Thanks yeah for the tips.