What the Pak! Recent Posts

Monday, March 31, 2008

I just resigned 10 minutes ago - Part 2

I shall continue where I left off in my initial drama from Part 1.

Didn't know throwing that big envelope can be this daunting. I decided last Friday should be the best day to say tender my resignation because of 3 reasons:

Reason No. 1: Last Friday was the 28th of the month, which means PAY DAY! So, knowing that I have already pocketed my month's pay, throwing that letter felt more safe.

Reason No. 2: Friday is always the best time to throw the letter simply because it's the end of the working week! The boss is probably in the best mood since it's FRIDAY and all he's probably thinking about is swinging his hips in Aloha.

Reason No. 3: I chose to throw towards nearly the end of the day, approximately 5.30pm because I KNEW the boss wouldn't hold me up for long because he's got his mind in Aloha already.

Hahahha... And with that, I devised the perfect plan to resign with minimal possible objections on Friday, the 28th at 5.30pm. And yes, I have checked the FENG SHUI as well.

Seriously, I wasn't that cool. Didn't know why I was freaking out a little, but a short chat with What The Fak calmed me down and gave me the courage.

As I walked towards the bosses' rooms, my heart was thumping so hard it could've easily jumped out of my chest! I braced myself for the worst... and walked... and walked... and...

To be continued in Part 3.